Vanessa Ekpenyong

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Many people can sing well, but it takes more than that to turn music into a career. Vanessa Ekpenyong has that certain something. It is the magic of her imposing voice with which she convinces people and wins them over. “I think my great strength is life performance. On stage I am completely myself and live my dream. I think that goes down quite well.” She believes it. Those who have seen them live know it. Without reinventing the wheel, Vanessa Ekpenyong has found a gap in the pigeonhole system of music genres and created her own style. “I don’t want to represent anyone on stage, on stage I’m me. And just like in the living room, on stage I want to listen to music that I like.” And that is just very broadly defined.
As diverse as her musical inspiration, as multicultural are the influences of her surroundings: she was born in Starnberg, Bavaria, grew up in the Nigerian capital and now lives in Frankfurt. “Of course, that influences you when you write. Everything I experience I process in my songs, beautiful things as well as negative experiences.”
Her biggest dream is to win one of the really big music awards one day. Why not? She has the talent, the voice anyway, the first step is made. “The space on the shelf is kept free. Even if I have to dust there again,” says Vanessa. And laughs…



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